There is no way you can start your own venture without incurring a cost. Many of the costs start before your business activity begins. Expenses that you incur seven years before your business [...]
Choosing between becoming a sole trader and starting a limited company can be tough when you start out. As a sole trader and under limited company status, you can continue your employment with [...]
Even self-employed professionals need a network to succeed and grow their business. Today, cold calling, sending unsolicited emails or even lifting the phone and contacting a prospective customer [...]
Even if you intend to work as a sole trader, you should not disregard your business or trading name. Typically, the company and business has the same name and this offers some level of [...]
As a trader or self-employed individual, you need a proper system in place to keep track of your revenue, expenses, profits, and also to reconcile your bank account every month. Whether you opt [...]
Of late, it has become quite popular for individuals to offer their services through an intermediary company. Such individuals should think of establishing a personal service company, as it [...]
Regulatory compliance is an important part of running a business. Whether you are self-employed, operating a trading company or investment venture, you are subject to compliance and regulations [...]
Starting your own venture can be exciting and thrilling. However, you have to make an informed decision to choose the right business entity, as it will have an impact on your tax and National [...]
When someone decides to start their own business, there are many things that need to be arranged. In the initial days, you will be running around to find the right resources and work, you also [...]
So much of how we lead our lives today has been directed somehow by the remarkable evolution of consumer technology. Not so long ago, computers seemed to be of interest primarily to gamers or [...]